[3.0.0-beta1] first approach

Hi There,

first of all thanks Daniele for the effort maintainig the plugin and now rolling up the 3.0 version!

I’d like to share my first impressions:

  • i use bricksforge mainly for managing gsap animations and js code

  • no major issue updating to beta 3.0 and recreating custom events in the node editor: all working fine with no console errors.

  • recreating events it’s easy but I’m having some troubles setting up conditional logic (previous loading codition)

  • how about the possibility to add a name to the node apart from the event itself (On Pageload, and so on) like in the legacy events panel?
  • someone on FB posted that in the animation panel the selector has a really small font
  • what about adding GSAP set also in the animation panel? A lot of animations use it and it would be helpfull without adding it in the event (or using a zero-duration gsap.to)
  • In the animation panel I don’t find too intuitive every time to toggle the advanced settings on.
  • page transition and loading conditions (events or timelines) seems to not work (but also in the stable release i have issue with it)

Sorry for the mixed content post, I could split and detail more if it can be useful.


Thank you very much! Your feedback is very valuable! Wow, your nodes look much cleaner than the settings in legacy mode :slight_smile:

Very good points you mention there. I’ll take a look at them, but I’m already sure that you’ll find some of them in 3.0.0-beta.2 :slight_smile: