[3.0.0-beta3] console.log() bug in Node Editor

Good afternoon.

I’ve been testing something in Node Editor (Bricksforge v.3) and encountered a strange bug. Here it is: Page 1 (Builder)

Can you, please, check it and tell what is wrong here?

Thank you in advance and have a lovely day :slight_smile:

Hey :slight_smile: Could you explain your problem? There’s so much going on in your video that I can’t really follow it :slight_smile:

The connection keeps connecting by itself to the 1st Pageload, when I try to connect it to the 2nd. As you can see, when I move 2nd, the line jumps to 1st

Thank you! :slight_smile:

I think the reason is that multiple connections are not allowed for execution pins. So an execution pin should never have more than one connection to other nodes. See here: https://youtu.be/s3m3HY8-gCE?si=5DHMIIjcwVsbYpI3&t=124

Has the problem ever arisen without the use of two connections?

Here’s another different test:
there are only 1 to 1 connections, but it reconnects itself:

Got it! Just found the issue for that. Thanks very much for reporting! :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. Nope you could fix it quickly :stuck_out_tongue: