Animation on local version doesn't work? What I did wronk

Hi, I’m new here and tried to create a first animation. I have a local WP version and animation doesn’t work on frontend. When I use timeline works fine but on front don’t. There is some limitation for local version?

I use local app with the settings ( :
PHP 8.0.22
Wev server: nginx
MySQL 8.0.16
WP 6.2

Hey :slight_smile: Welcome here!

Are you using the Bricks Setting “Add Element ID & class as needed”? If so, the reason could be that your ID not exists in the frontend. To prevent this, you could just assign a custom ID or class to the element and choose the new ID/class as selector.

Let me know if that works :slight_smile:

Yes, you are right. That was the problem. When I add a custom class the animation works fine. Thanks for your quick help.

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