Animation Timeline Bug


I think I have found a bug within the timeline animations.

I have set a blur and opacity change based on a hover trigger. The first one named “Servies Card Hover 1” works perfectly. As you’ll see from the video attached it adds opacity to cards 2, 3, 4. 5 & 6.

So I duplicated that animation 5 times over and then changed the trigger selector on each one to match the hover trigger. It only adds the blur/opacity to card number 1 even though all of them are set.

When I hit the run button on the bricksforge panel, it behaves as it should but this is not reflective on the front end of the site.

I’m assuming it’s doing this because I duplicated them rather than entering each one manually?

Video here


Hey! Could you send me access to the site? Would help me to debug this issue. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Apologies for the slow response here Daniele.

I had to finish the project quickly for the client and removed that specific animation so it’s no longer live on the site.

If I notice anything like this again I’ll be sure to let you know.

This one can be closed out.
