Backend Designer - Admin Bar - replace howdy doesn't work

I turned on the Backend Designer feature, and also I clicked the toggle for “Activate Styles” on the Admin Bar. I set new text for “Replace ‘Howdy’” but nothing happened.

In my case, I don’t want to “replace” howdy, I want to just remove it so that it only shows the person’s name. I tried putting a single space there, or “ ”, or any text, but nothing changed it. It would be great if we can change the text, OR just remove it.


Thanks! I can confirm a bug here. Will fix it asap. Feel free to send me access to your site via a new ticket. I can fix this earlier in your installation :slight_smile:

It’s not critical, so I can wait!

But it would be handy if it also let’s me have no extra text, rather than having to put something in there. I only want the username.