Beta 3.0.0 - some minor issues only on mobile

Hi Daniele,

me too I’m facing some minor inconsistencies on mobile, I haven’t checked it before because there are other issues now solved from beta 3.0.0. In my specific case:

a simple scrolltrigger text reveal (play none none none) on mobile restart entering again in the viewport when it should only play once. Follow cursor (made only with bricksforge no custom code) appears also on mobile.

I’ll try deleting and recreating both animation.

Apart from it no lag or other issue with bricksforge animation or gsap custom code added in the event (or node) panel. Page speed insight is the same as before.


Hey :slight_smile:

Are you using the latest beta.3?

And can you share some login details? This would help me to debug. Feel free to send it here via DM :slight_smile:

Yes Daniele, latest beta 3.

Sent Login details, could you access now?
Works fine with bricks new 1.12 but there seems another little issue:

  • timeline matchMedia seems to work only for desktop: for example I’m able to disable an animation on desktop and have it only below x px but not the oppisite: disabled for mobile it is still appearing.

So both other issues have been fixed with Bricks 1.12? Strange :see_no_evil: I do not see any connection here. Will check again on Monday :slight_smile:

Sorry, I realized was not so clear what I’ve written.
Both issues are still present in Bricks 1.12 plus I’ve found the matchMedia issue.

Hey Filippo,

regarding the “Follow Cursor” action, I’ve sent you a DM.

I am not able to locally reproduce the other issues. Something seems to trigger a ScrollTrigger.refresh() in your case on mobile. To be more concrete, the navbar of the mobile device is causing the refresh in your case.

When trying to reproduce it locally with a more simple example, it behaves as it should. When adding for example (min-width: 980px) as matchMedia rule to my timeline, the animation is not running on mobile.

Also, play none none none works as expected in my case.

Could you create a simple reproducable example, maybe in a separate page and send me the single steps to reproduce the issue? With a complex site with a lot of animation, it could be hard to find the cause for it. Thanks very much! :slight_smile:

Hi Daniele,

Thanks for the time spent investigating! Seen the DM. Tomorrow I’ll try with a stripped down setup (only that animation in the page, no header and footer) and we’ll see. Thanks again!

Yes the offcanvas animation is triggering the refresh, I’ve seen now, very helpful suggestion because I was able to fix.

Basically it is the same animation logic in both offcanvas menu text items and text blocks on pages.

  • offcanvas text items have global class: .reveal-menu-text
  • text block in pages have global class: .reveal-text
  • animation is on different timelines

Renaming .reveal-menu-text to .menu-text fix the refresh issue.

Not sure if it is something to be expected because class are different, but there is too much in my setup to have a concrete analysis.

In conclusion fixing it fix all other issues:

  • matchMedia work as expected
  • scrolltrigger toggleActions work as expected
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Great to hear! Thanks for clarifying it! :slight_smile: