🚀 Bricksforge 3.0.0-beta.3

I have just deployed Bricksforge 3.0.0-beta.3. You can download the version as usual in the Customer Dashboard.


  • Page Transitions: Native transitions with the View Transition API have been added (Defining Animations — swup)
  • Updated swup.js to the latest version
  • Improved Page Transitions compatibility with Filter related Bricks Elements
  • Improved Bricksforge Panel Performance
  • Fixed 3D Model related animation issues
  • Fixed Javascript Warnings and Errors in Backend when using the Bricksforge Panel
  • Fixed “Your Trigger selector does not exist” window appearing too often if not neccessary
  • Fixed „querySelectorAll“ not working with GSAP Flip

Most of the work was done in the animation area of the Bricksforge panel. The performance should be much better now. In addition, a new indicator (red area) has been added to show that a selector does not exist on the page.

If you find any bugs, please post them here in the forum with the information which version you are using. Thank you very much for your valuable support! :slight_smile:


Hi Daniele,

  • on my end I can confirm that the performance of the animation panel are really better! No more lag/freezing and all is working super smooth.
  • all timelines appears now in the panel and are editable even if the selector doesn’t exist on that page (like in 2.2.7)
  • No more errors in the backend.

I’ve only found:

-a slight issue with the top bar (marked in blu). Resizing the window sometimes it detachs from the fixed panel below. I’ll add a video tomorrow.
-the timeline seconds settings does not seems to save its setting.

By the way what do you think of the possibility of having (maybe as an option) the right panel over the timeline visualizer? (as I quickly photoshopped). The idea is to give more room to the control settings.



Great, thanks for your feedback! :slight_smile:

The two bugs you have mentioned have been fixed locally :slight_smile:

Regarding your question: For a later update, I plan an optional possibility to permanently show both, the left bricks sidebar and the right animation panel. The visual timeline would be in between. Would this also work for you? Or should the animation area overlap the Bricks sidebar for some reason, for example to save some space for smaller devices?

I absolutly agree: seems the best idea to have the possibility to show both sidebar (left bricks and forge animation) with the visual timeline in between on bottom.

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Hey Daniele,

Great work with this 3.0 update !
I also agree the timeline visualizer should not overlap on any of the two side panels.

I previously used the animator in 2.2.7 on my website and when moving to 3.0 beta 3 all animations were gone. I found out that the conditions don’t work properly on my end. I have to set them all to “Everywhere” and can’t set a specific page. Also in the same condition panel making an animation only available for certain screen size, for example (max-width:480px) it then works only on that screen size and hides all the elements of that class on larger screen sizes which wasn’t the case in 2.2.7.


#bug Redirect is not working.

I am using the form in the bricks pop up.

I am calling the popup through interactions.

I am using 3 fields.

Name, email and phone.

After that it should send to another page of the same site.

The problem is occurring with the email field. If I remove this field, the redirection only works on the page where the popup is displayed, but on the page where the popup is called it does not work.

Hey @Jiji and @hermez To keep it organized, could you create separate threads for those issues? This would be really helpful :slight_smile: Thank you very much!