Bug: The 3. Element from type Conditional-Wrapper breaks through the Step-Wrapper

There seans to be a bug in the “step-define-process” within bricksforge Pro Forms «Multi-Step» Code.

I tried to find a solution to show different content depending on the value of a radio-element-value.
All worked fine with 2 «Conditional-Wrapper»-Elements.


BUT when I ad a third «Conditional-Wrapper»-Element, this is ALWAYS shown - also if only the FIRST or SECOND would be shown (if there would be not a third conditional-wrapper-element.

The Code to declare the Attribute “data-brf-step” seams to create a bug/has a problem.
BECAUSE: No matter how I sort the 3 «Conditional-Wrapper»-Elements, the third (last) one always jumps to value 7 instead of displaying 6 - like the others. (see printscreen “source-code”.

This causes the problem, that the last element is always shown, regardless of whether the condition of this «Conditional-Wrapper»-Element is TRUE or FALSE.

The Elements-Sidebar:

The result source-code in Dev-Console:

Approach to find/Fix the bug [by hand]

When I change the value of the attribute “data-brf-step” by hand to “6” all is like it should be.
Also when I change the sorting of the three «Conditional-Wrapper»-Elements - I HAVE TO always CHANGE the value manually to “6”, everytime from the last element.
Then the Conditional-Wrapper “condition” is WORKING FINE.

But without change in Code “by hand”, the last Element is shown, although it should actually be invisible.

The Page is on local developing machine.
But I have it uploaded also to a playground under try.bricksforge.io.

With the same problem/Bug!!

I can share the playgorund-url by PM if helpful!

All is based by the search for a way to show steps and their content completely dependent on conditions or to suppress them completely («step»-element and associated content)

Thanks for reporting this! Will try to reproduce it. Fix will be deployed in the next version :slight_smile:

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