Hi forum,
I have some strange behaviour about GSAP-Animation in Timeline with Bricksforge.
The ScrollTrigger Start and End calculation does crash if a Timeline is in an different folder then other Timelines.
Is there some (unnkown depencency) about the position from the Timeline in the BricksforgePanel? And are there some (unknown depencies - from me) about the Timeline in one or another Folder.
Does it load with some order about the position in the Bricksforge Panel or/and folders init??
I have search the reason longer than 3 hours.
The marker for the SAME Timeline below (no change there to) are complettly shifted, ONLY because I MOVE the Timeline in an own or different folder.
OR the Frontend rendering is TOTAL BROKEN because I move the same Timeline (without other changes) in an other position/folder.
Because of this behavior, the RESULT is COMPLETLEY UNPREDECTABLE.
There is NO other change in the Page or in the Timeline.
! ONLY the position in the panel OR the position within a different folder.
And I have the same problem/bug with 4 other timelines. Maybe it has to do also with “pinned” Timelines. But maybe there the problem is MORE visibel or has a BIGGER impact in the rendering.
Is this a bug OR is the behavior desired?
I get 3 TOTALLY DIFFERENT Rendering/Situations depending where the Timeline is SET in the Bricksforge Panel for Timelines.
I guess this is a BUG.
Please help
IF it is not a bug, could someone get me a helping hand, more information about or a link for the description about this folder- or postion-depending behaviour?!