BUG? Timeline- and Folder-position does crash GSAP-animations and Frontend Rendering

Hi forum,
I have some strange behaviour about GSAP-Animation in Timeline with Bricksforge.

The ScrollTrigger Start and End calculation does crash if a Timeline is in an different folder then other Timelines.


Is there some (unnkown depencency) about the position from the Timeline in the BricksforgePanel? And are there some (unknown depencies - from me) about the Timeline in one or another Folder.
Does it load with some order about the position in the Bricksforge Panel or/and folders init??

I have search the reason longer than 3 hours.


  • The marker for the SAME Timeline below (no change there to) are complettly shifted, ONLY because I MOVE the Timeline in an own or different folder.

  • OR the Frontend rendering is TOTAL BROKEN because I move the same Timeline (without other changes) in an other position/folder.

Because of this behavior, the RESULT is COMPLETLEY UNPREDECTABLE.


There is NO other change in the Page or in the Timeline.
! ONLY the position in the panel OR the position within a different folder.

And I have the same problem/bug with 4 other timelines. Maybe it has to do also with “pinned” Timelines. But maybe there the problem is MORE visibel or has a BIGGER impact in the rendering.

Is this a bug OR is the behavior desired?

I get 3 TOTALLY DIFFERENT Rendering/Situations depending where the Timeline is SET in the Bricksforge Panel for Timelines.

I guess this is a BUG.

Please help

IF it is not a bug, could someone get me a helping hand, more information about or a link for the description about this folder- or postion-depending behaviour?!

Here the Printscreens for describing and showing the strange behaviour:

SO it SHOULD LOOK in the Frontend → Frontend rendering and ScrollTrigger-Marker RIGHT!

BUT WRONG FOLDER and WRONG PLACED Timeline in Bricksforge Timeline Panel

RIGHT FOLDER and RIGHT PLACED Timeline in Bricksforge Timeline Panel


Test with new Folder at the end (bottom) → Frontend RIGHT

BUT TOTAL WRONG ScrollTrigger calculation for ALL Elements with GSAP-Timeline below this Section.

Thanks very much for your effort in describing the problem in detail. I think I was able to reproduce it and found a bug that is probably responsible for it. I have integrated it into the beta, which will probably be available for download tomorrow.

It would be great if you could test it then :slight_smile:

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Hi @Daniele,
Have found the time to create a cloned installation and upload bricksforge-3.0.0-beta.2.zip.
But unfortunatelly there is an Error in the Dev-Console and the Page does NOT load at the first 2 sections.
So It is not possible to tryout if your beta will fix the bug in the Timeline …

Maybe you have some advice how to work-around the Dev-Console-Error or you can inform me if the beta is fixed “also” for this bug.

Best regards

Back to 2.2.7 all works fine ... but with the old Timeline-Panel Sorting-Problem

Have send you a PM with the URLs with the topic:
URL’s für debug → if you would like to have more information about

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