Checkbox condition and submit button - for GDPR or policy privacy in PRO FORM

Hi all,
simple question, but I can’t find it on the forum or in the documentation.

How can I create, in nestable pro forms, a condition so that only after clicking on the GDPR and privacy policy checkbox will the button be clickable?

What parameters do I need to set in the checkbox, and what conditions on the conditional wrapper, so that unchecking the checkbox affects the button?

I am trying values of 0 or 1, and non-statutory values, but with the checkbox no condition works at all, I have also tried array, srtring, number and various operators and cannot get it to work.

Can you advise me how to set this up correctly?

the field value is not empty. make sure you take correct field-id of the checkbox (the one you see in inspector for checkbox, not in bricks id field)