Condition problem

I dont know if this is a bug.

So ive created a single post page.
This is the structure. The blog section is for the elements of the articles such as title, description, image etc,. The 2nd section is a scroll trigger where i set a condition if the user is logout and on that section i created a scroll trigger timeline in bricksforge using the bricksforge panel that it will show up in a specific viewport. The problem is when i test it, the scroll trigger section is not showing up unless i remove the condition of user is logout it will show the section when i scroll down. So i made a test, i disable the scroll trigger timeline and the section shows up in the user logout state. I also test without the condition and the scroll trigger shows up in a specific viewport that i set. I dont know if this is bricksforge or in bricks builder it self

Can you share screenshots or a video of your problem? I can’t follow to be honest :slight_smile:

Heres the video @Daniele
I hope this will explain everything

Thanks! The problem is your Trigger Selector. You need to choose one which always exists. If you have conditional elements, I would not choose them as trigger selector, as this will cause the timeline to be ignored.

If both, the trigger selector and the animation selectors are existing in the frontend, the animation should run as expected. Bricks Conditions are not affecting the animation, as they are server side processes :slight_smile:

Hi @Daniele ,

The trigger selector was the blog section hero container which is #abbd37 and the conditional element that will animate is the “section” #yvzomh that will show up. So, in other words i cannot use the #yvzomh selector to animate since it has the conditional element on it right?