Create post comment with form?

Wondering if you can use BF forms to create comments on CPTs conditionally (user provides email)?

Not yet, but it’s in the roadmap :slight_smile:


I needed the same functionality and came up with this code (using info from bricks academy)

function my_form_custom_action( $form ) {  
  $fields = $form->get_fields();
  // $formId = $fields['formId'];
  // $postId = $fields['postId'];
  // $settings = $form->get_settings();
  // $files = $form->get_uploaded_files();
  $comment_data = [
	'comment_post_ID'      => $fields['form-field-postid'],
	'comment_author'       => $fields['form-field-name'],
	'comment_author_email' => $fields['form-field-email'],
	'comment_author_url'   => 'http://',
	'comment_content'      => $fields['form-field-comment'],
	'comment_type'         => 'comment',
	'comment_parent'       => 0,
	'comment_date'         => null,
	'comment_approved'     => 1,
	try {
        wp_insert_comment( wp_slash($comment_data) );

        // Success Message
            'action' => 'my_custom_action',
            'type'    => 'success',
            'message' => esc_html__('New comment', 'bricks'),
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // Error message
            'action' => 'my_custom_action',
            'type'    => 'error',
            'message' => esc_html__('Something went wrong' . $e->getMessage(), 'bricks'),
add_action( 'bricks/form/custom_action', 'my_form_custom_action', 10, 1 );

Just choose ‘Custom’ in form actions tab. I’m sure this will work with the native bricks form as well