Creating a Hyperbolic Animation Curve for Split Text in Bricksforge with GSAP

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a project in Bricksbuilder and would like to create a specific animation effect using Bricksforge. Here’s what I’m aiming for:


  • I want to animate a heading text that has already been split into individual characters using JavaScript (this part is working fine).
  • Each character should follow a motion path that resembles a hyperbolic curve as it enters the viewport from the bottom.
  • At the start, the characters should be blurred (blur(20px)) and gradually become sharp (blur(0px)) as they animate.
  • Additionally, the entire text element should scroll horizontally from right to left, synced with the user’s scrolling (scrub effect).

Question:* How can I create a hyperbolic animation curve for split text using Bricksforge? Any guidance on achieving this effect would be greatly appreciated!

It should look similar to this but smoother and with a much bigger curve (similar to the screenshot)