File attachment in Pro Form

So, I have a problem: the form does not send if an attached file is included. Have I understood correctly that Pro Form’s file upload does not save the attachment to the server? If I’m wrong, where file storage is defined, as can be chosen in Bricksbuilder’s native form?

Or have I misunderstood something?

What file type are you trying to send? Do you see any errors in the console?

Pro Forms is not allowing you (yet) to set a custom location. Anyway, wenn sending attaching files to emails (“Email” action), Bricksforge is storing nothing to the server. It stores only for actions which are needing images to be stored, like Featured Images in posts or file related custom fields.

I tried sending a PDF and also a jpg.
Without attachments, It works, and there are no errors except those below.

Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.
bricksforge_elements.js?ver=1711348403:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: e is not defined
at HTMLInputElement. (bricksforge_elements.js?ver=1711348403:1:30274)

//////////////////// Errors with attachment //////////////////////

ge/v1/form_submit 500 (Internal Server Error)

(anonymous) @ host-rrweb-network.js:1
await in (anonymous) (async)
runRequests @ bricksforge_elements.js?ver=1711348403:1
(anonymous) @ bricksforge_elements.js?ver=1711348403:1
await in (anonymous) (async)
form_submit @ bricksforge_elements.js?ver=1711348403:1
(anonymous) @ bricksforge_elements.js?ver=1711348403:1
jam-console-devtools.js:1 SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘<’, “

”… is not valid JSON
bricksforge_elements.js?ver=1711348403:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘success’)
at bricksforge_elements.js?ver=1711348403:1:74510
(anonymous) @ bricksforge_elements.js?ver=1711348403:1
await in (anonymous) (async)
form_submit @ bricksforge_elements.js?ver=1711348403:1
(anonymous) @ bricksforge_elements.js?ver=1711348403:1

I’ve tried the form on localhost, on the server where the form comes from, and in instawp

Could you send me access to this site? :blush:

I have same issue for MP3 files

For not that common formats, you’ll need to allow them with this filter: Filter – Bricksforge Docs

Hello, I’m contacting you trough support right now, I think it could be really cool and useful to not disable bricks native form when activating pro form

We are not disabling the native form. Pro Forms is a separate element. You still could use the native form if needed.