How to Block Spam on Pro Forms

Turnstile is on there.

The honeypot is on there.

I’ve got some strong WAF rules for my CF WAF that puts a managed challenge on most countries.

But they still get through. And I’m tired of SEO services being offered to MY SEO clients in these $%&#% spam entries.

What else do you all do? Any additional tips or ideas?

I’ll add myself here. I also have spam mail problems, but only with the honeypot (without captcha or turnstile). Today I had over 500 emails from the same sender from a customer within a very short time. Is there a way to improve the security against spam?

Maybe there is a way like in wsform?

I asked WPARMOUR (Spam filter or something like that). They add support for pro forms in two weeks with the next update.

Maybe this is a good solution.

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Support for pro forms and ws form is now available in WPArmour.

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