I need help with email designer WOO


I’m stuck with the email designer.

I would like to replace the default WC TABLE with a FOR loop (FOR ITEM IN WC_ORDER_ITEMS)

I can get the product name in as well as the quantity but I need more.

I am using a plugin (Price Formula) which allows clients to add the weight they need for the product and how many of that weight should go in a package

In the woo order front end it looks like this

Scherm­afbeelding 2024-03-24 om 16.03.42

When using WC TABLE it looks like this in the email (1)(unfortunately I can only upload 1 image

As you can see the products are shown in the table with these extra s like the weight and amount included as well as the total price.

Now the problem here is that the table heading as well as the subtotal, shipping and total labels are having more padding, so therefore I would like to be able to create my own

When I add item.name and item.quantity the product name as well as the amount of packages shows, but i can’t find how to include these “sub” details and the price

I could not find a list anywhere what to use as variables here.

I would love to show what I am getting so far in an image but I can only upload 1 (2)

Hope someone can help


Here is the image that goes with (1)

When using WC TABLE it looks like this in the email

Here is the image that goes with (2) “what I am getting so far”

That is one thing missing. To know what to use, im sure its there we just dont know what terms to use

@Daniele can you tell me what I would need to add in adition to {{item.name}} to get the options visible as well? I tried finding how the wc table was set up (which inlcudes these options) but couldn’t find it

also the total amount per product variable would be approeciated please.

Thank you

Please - any ideas about this? regarding all info about the order (ie extra options - that appears in normal woo table order? also to confirm re {{item.price}} ?

Hey! :slight_smile: Sorry for the late answer!

Regarding the questions: if you want to explore whats inside a specific object, item in that case, just write {{item}} and check the output.

The output will be:

This are all available keys for this object. You could use for example the following:


…and so on. Hope that helps so far :slight_smile:

Thanks @Daniele how does it render output ie where to look for {{item}} output like above? In twig ?

Just send a test email. There you see the output.

Will do thanks as usual @Daniele . I guess all functions are always there, and you have it all sorted before its just we dont know how to use it!
@Proxxius hope this helps

Gonna try it… still some more questions left in separate topics that need resolving / clarity as well before the tool can really be used across the board.

It is all promising but the documentation is not written for end users unfortunately and videos would be helpful as well

The documentation is what it is…a documentation. Documentations are technical in nature and should not be confused with learning content or academies. A documentation simply describes the technical parts of features without the philosophy to teach someone.

The Bricksforge Academy is in progress and will come with the relaunch of the new website. The academy will be more for beginners with a smaller understanding on dev concepts. :slight_smile:

I understand, but it’s not about level of expertise… the email designer is simply hard to figure out because there are no examples e.g. what the --variable part can be used in the settings.