Looking for an explanation for Pro Form notifications

Hi @Daniele,

My client told me he can’t send with his form on his website (built with a Pro Form). He gets the message: “The cookie check failed” (“Die Cookie-Prüfung ist fehlgeschlagen”) whether in Chrome or Safari. No problems from his iPhone (and no problems on my end).

I found nothing in the documentation about this issue. I have also never experienced it. Do you have any explanation or is there any official (browser?) documentation about this and how to fix it?

Thank you very much!

Kind regards,

PS: Happened on this website: Thüringer Grillbuffet in allen Formen – mit Fleisch, vegan und vegetarisch

Do you have WP_Debug enabled? This could cause issues for ajax processes. Also, you could ask your client to clear the cache. I can’t find issues there.

Also, I never saw this error message. It’s not a part of the Bricksforge code. Seems to be a generic WordPress error message when trying to write to the database or something…

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Daniel - I have the same issue. Happened a few weeks ago and then updated all plugins, all worked. Now I got the same message from my client.

@Heiko - are you by any chance using Complianz.io for your GDPR? I think this might be causing the issue but not sure either

Hi @Daniele,

thank you for the quick answer: I had WP_Debug activated (didn’t know). I turned it off now. And will also ask my client to clear his browser caches.

Thank you for your help as always :pray:t2:

Kind regards,

CleanShot 2023-11-18 at 10.55.03

ScottC - thanks for the question and the idea! I don’t use it there though. I only use [Pirsch.io] (Cookie-free and Privacy-friendly Web Analytics - Pirsch Analytics).

Fingers crossed that we can find the cause and fix it! :+1:t2:

I removed the form for now and used FluentForms Pro because my clients was losing reservations which aint cool. Not saying that BF is the issue though but even when I deactivated some plugins the issue remained. It’s also very hard to find why this happens because just a few days ago all was fine. 11 November the last reservation arrived properly.

Hmm…How to: Fix “Cookie check failure” or “Cookie nonce invalid” | Meow Apps

I see that caching could cause exactly such issues. Each site refresh generates an unique nonce for security reasons. If its cached, the nonce will be invalid. So I would check the caching configuration here :slight_smile:

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Thank you, @Daniele! I’ll check back with WP Fastest Cache whcih I use there.

And I saw this post on Wordpress.org - so (if I understand right): if we’ll find a way to set the “Cache Timeout” we’d be fine:

In my opinion, those nonce should be validated differenty, and never hardcoded directly into the html response at every refresh, because you loose the ability to cache the document and avoid php execution if you know your content is not changing

That’s the way nonces are working: Nonces | Common APIs Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

How is contact form 7 handling this?

as i’ve never had an issue caching the document root and sending the emails from their forms

Is there a way to override the check?

we could implement other security ways without being obstrusive with the overall performance

No, and I would definitely not recommend it to prevent Cross Site Scripting. The way to go here would be to adjust the caching lifespan. Nonce tokens are valid for 12 hours. Setting the cache lifespan to 10 hours or less should make sure to always have a valid nonce.

Check a post of WP Rocket for further informations:

We have the same problem on a page with a Pro-Forms form. However, we have even deactivated caching (from WP-Optimize). The error message also appears when submitting. We use Complianz as a cookie blocker. With Real Cookie Banner, the error no longer seems to occur. However, the plugin is annoying and we would like to use Complianz again :slight_smile:
Any ideas what else the problem could be?

It’s always a caching reason. Set the cache lifespan to 10 hours or less and the problem should be solved. I don’t know, has the Complianz plugin a caching functionality integrated? I think that would be a good question to their support team :slight_smile:

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I am experiencing EXACTLY the same, here!

My client can’t send the form because of a “The cookie check failed” notice. She tried from different browsers and devices, and all the time is getting this notice.

However, I try to reproduce this, and I can send the form without any issue, so I don’t know what to do to solve this!

If it has anything to do with it, I am also using Complianz.

Any ideas of what could I do?

Thank you!!