Love my new Dashboard! (How do I get rid of the admin bar?)

Really excited to be giving clients a customized Dashboard that goes on all their sites!

However, my “Section” Template that I created in Bricks seems to be inheriting the admin bar - so it’s doubled:

Anyone know how I can get rid of that?

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Hi! :slight_smile: This is a known issue and has been fixed locally. Will deploy it in the next version :slight_smile:


Great to hear it. Thanks @Daniele!

If you can deploy some code to functions.php (Child Theme in Bricks) or if you are using a snippet manager (WPCodeBox, Code Snippets etc.) you can try something like this:

add_filter('show_admin_bar', 'disable_admin_bar_for_adminbar_false');

function disable_admin_bar_for_adminbar_false($show) {
  if (is_user_logged_in() && isset($_GET['adminbar']) && $_GET['adminbar'] == 'false') {
    $show = false;
  return $show;

Now add ?adminbar=false to your url for your backend page.


Thanks @MaxZieb! Very helpful code snippet.

Is there a new setting to correct this? It appears to still be happening.

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Is there a solution yet? It still happens for me.

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