Maps-Implementation for Pro Forms

Hey @Daniele , would you consider to implement the acf maps field and or for pro forms? Use-Case is that people could submit a CPT e.g. ‘company’ and could select its location on a map-form-field.

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And the related field please!

Voting for the Maps too :100:.

Possibly with multiple pins/markers, many companies have multiple locations.

I’ve got a CPT ‘company’, then I have a ‘repeater’ field for office location.

Ideally this Map field would work with ACF, JetEngine and MetaBox and allow for multiple markers, dynamically added from the repeater. Maybe like nestable markers.

I have actually already submitted this idea on the Idea Board Roadmap - Bricksforge – The Bricks Tools that feel native called: Google Map with Nestable Markers

@Tobfather @olpo FYI