I’ve create the simplest example on the node editor to learn how it works and I had a bit of trouble as the default “On pageload” document event was not working. When I tried to delete it, I couldn’t delete it either, so I just disconnected it and added manually a new pageload event which when I connected it everything started working. Bug?
That`s expected. The initial “On Pageload” will always be there as starter point. If not connected to other nodes, it will not affect the frontend
The strange thing is that when I connect the initial Onpage load with the rest of the nodes, nothing is working.
When I added a new Onpage load and connected it, then everything was working.
I’ll check again soon in case it was something with caching…
Oh, that`s strange indeed and should not happen. After re-checking, could you let me know if the reason was caching? Cannot reproduce it though.
All is working today, so no worries
It was probably either caching or my slow internet connection that I had yesterday…
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