Passing some form data to use in another form on next page

I‘m working on a signup sequence with two forms. On the first page, I have a simple form with Name, email, URL, and Q:

How can I prefill the next form on another page with that data? Preferably just hidden on the next page.

I see several questions about this. But nobody got an answer. Even in 2023.

I tried using “Set Storage Item” for local storage. But there is no action to GET storage item. Its not even mentioned in documentation.


Is there a reason to not use URL Params here? That’s the perfect situation for this :slight_smile:

Check those references where this concept has been used to pass data to a form which exists in a different page:

Ah, thanks. No I had this in mind and was looking for this. And its not that type of sensitive data. So I should be able to use this. I will try, thanks :slight_smile:

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What I see now is that the data sent as params to the next page does not get properly encoded with #encodeURIComponent". Is that something I will have to do manually?

Ah, no worries. I got it working. Seems like a parameter name as “name” was not well received by the browser. Other names worked.

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