Pro Form Radio Option Updates Query Loop

The Goal: I would like a user to select a radio option that updates a query loop. The query loop is dynamically pulling a woocommerce product price. Thus a user is changing the displayed price when selecting a radio option

What I’ve tried: So far I have created a Pro Form and added a Radio Wrapper with 3 Card Radio options within the wrapper. Above these 3 elements outside of the Radio Wrapper I have added a Basic Text element within a Block. The Block has a query loop and the basic text element is using a {woo_product_price} dynamic tag.

In theory, if I can update the query loop post ID to the respective products when a user selects the Radio Cards. Then this will update the WooCommerce product price being dynamically displayed.

This needs an Ajax Request to pull the new data from the database. If you have programming skills, you could play with the Bricksforge Panel using the “Call Ajax Function” action. If not, it’s not that easy to implement :slight_smile: