Pro Forms: Date Field – Adding "Enable/Disable specific times" and "Step minutes" control

Hello everyone, hi Daniel.
It would be great if we could have the possibility to enable/disable specific times and also to modify the attribute step of the flatpickr-minute.
Have a great day everyone

And with it an easy solution for: Disable past dates :slight_smile:

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it is already present but only in the nestble date element.

It would be great if added to native pro form also with the flatpickr options:
-24H time mode
-single, multiple, range option
-time only
-Minute Increment

and if possible:
-styling visual calendar
-desible specifics times & range of times (not implemented in flatpickr but nothing is impossible with daniele :slight_smile:)

The non Nestable forms approach is tagged as legacy and will not receive further implementations. To use the new additions, you should use the nestable way of Pro Forms :blush:

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Thanks for replying Daniele, ok for me :slight_smile: most Important is if they will be added even on the new nestable way.