Pro Forms: send email to different addresses based on the value of a dropdown

Hi, I’d like to conditionally send a pro forms email to different email address based on the value of a dropdown. Is it possible? I can’t find the way.
E.g. The dorpdown has a few different subjects of the email (Collaboration, Marketing, Events) and I want form with Collaboration will be sent to, form with Marketing sent to, …


I was about to post the same question and I found that there’s already a thread asking for this.

In my case, it’s not a dropdown, but a radio button. But, essentially, I have been asked by my client to do the same.

So it would be a condition based on a radio field:

  • If checked option A → Send email to address A
  • If checked option B → Send email to address B

Or even:

  • If checked option A → Send email to address A
  • If not checked option A (all other options) → Send email to address B

Is this possible with Bricksforge Pro Forms?

If not, any workaround?

This is available in the standard email action. Select dynamic email addresses, and set a condition for each address.



This is amazing!! Thanks for sharing!