I tried to use vanilla-JS in Code-Element in BricksForge within the JS-Box.
Unfortunatelly I can not figure out, why the code as it own is working, so the event is triggern, but then the change of a form-field value is not written in the DB (Submission).
Can not find any solution in the doc: Event List - Bricksforge – One Plugin. Countless Possibilities.
Only this entry in forum: BricksForge Events: expose much more events than Bricks will ever do…
And this: Interaction for Form Submit - #4 by Cyrus
But first does not help to find why vanillaJS is not working and second is pointing to the BF-Panel. But I would like to have the possibillity to create JS-Code in Code-Block who is working…
current JS-Code in the Code-Element Box “Java Script”:
async function generateUniqueId(email) {
// Aktuellen Zeitstempel in Millisekunden
const timestamp = Date.now();
// Kombiniere die E-Mail-Adresse und den Zeitstempel
const data = `${email}-${timestamp}`;
// Erzeuge den Hash der kombinierten Daten
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const dataBuffer = encoder.encode(data);
const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', dataBuffer);
// Wandle den Hash in eine Hexadezimaldarstellung um
const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));
const hashHex = hashArray.map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');
// Rückgabe der einzigartigen ID
return hashHex;
// Füge den Event-Listener zum Pro Forms Formular hinzu
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const form = document.querySelector('#sortable-form'); // Ändere dies zu deiner Formular-ID
form.addEventListener('submit', async function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); // Verhindere das Standard-Submit-Verhalten
// E-Mail-Adresse aus dem Eingabefeld extrahieren
const emailInput = form.querySelector('input[type="email"]'); // Stelle sicher, dass das Feld den Typ "email" hat
const email = emailInput.value;
// Generiere die einzigartige ID
const uniqueId = await generateUniqueId(email);
console.log('Eindeutige ID:', uniqueId);
// Speichere die ID in einem versteckten Feld
let hiddenInput = form.querySelector('#unique_id input'); // Stelle sicher, dass das versteckte Feld vorhanden ist
if (!hiddenInput) {
hiddenInput = document.createElement('input');
hiddenInput.type = 'hidden';
hiddenInput.name = 'unique_id';
hiddenInput.value = uniqueId;
// Sende das Formular jetzt manuell
The code is working, and the trigger is execute it.
Also the hidden-field in Source-Tab in Dev-Tools shows the right value.
BUT in the Submission and E-Mail the value is “” (empty). Or default-value if I set a default value to “default-value”.
Would be great to get a helping hand.