Problems with radio input-fields -> appearance: none;

Maybe it is obvious, but I can NOT find a way to get radio-buttons in browser-default style with radio-wrapper and radio-elements.

In Backend all looks great: (And so I would like to see the radio’s also in the Frontend)


BUT in Frontend - those are strange-formated: (Only a small line)

I have reset all styles and setttings in radio-wrappter and radio-element.
Although there is for every radio an particular css-entry (like this as example)

#brxe-zziqrs input {
  appearance: none
  -webkit-appearance: none

Any Idea why this could be created by bricksforge?


* Do I have to set up some special settings in wrapper or radio?

* OR could it be a bug?

Would understand when this “none” would set, when I would like to create a custom radio-style.
But the “Custom Style” setting is disabled!

Bildschirmfoto 2024-10-16 um 17.16.57

And also in Documentation there is nothing written about (some needed settings for default rendering)