Smooth Scroll not working with BricksExtra Interactive Cursor

Hi ! When using Smooth Scroll + BricksExtra Interactive Cursor, as soon as you scroll down, the cursor is not following the mouse.

Hi :slight_smile:

Please check this thread: Lighbox Scroll Smoother - #2 by Daniele

This is not a Bricksforge bug. It’s the expected behavior of GSAPs Scroll Smoother when fixed positioned elements are inside the scroll containers.

By the way: I think about to add a second Scroll Smoothing provider which not have this type of issues, for example:

… and then let you choose which one do you want to use for your site. What do you think about that?

That would be awesome ! :wink:

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I’m just implement it. Will come today :wink:


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I’ve just tested it and it works perfectly with custom cursor !
Congrats Daniele ! And thanks for this real quick update !

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