(Solved) BF Panel - Events : How to use Custom Events for Bricks Popup

Hi community,
I’m new here. Hope the question is at the right place.

Would like to trigger an Action when the Bricks is open a Popup. (exit Intent)
Tried in differen ways but can not figure out a working solution.
So maybe I can use Custom Event with Bricks’ Event ‘bricks/popup/open’.

I have tried to use this Bricks Event into the Bricksforge Panel with the “Custom Event”. But I can not figure out how it works.

Does anybody has experiences with or a better documentation then Event List - Bricksforge – One Plugin. Countless Possibilities.

Would be great to get some help to fire an action.

What I have to fill in in the form-field "SElect Element(s) (Trigger)?

(Have tried with .brx-popup and document and #document)

And what in tne Event Name?

have tried with ‘bricks/popup/open’ and bricks/popup/open…

Nothing works

Have figured out with a lot of try and error.
I do not know, why before it was not working.

But for all others who are looking for a working solution:
With this settings it is working!

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Yes, this looks like the correct setting! :slight_smile:

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