[SOLVED] Open/Close Popup with BF-Panel::Events does not work multi-times

I try to use GSAP Timelines to open and close Popups (also exit intent) by an “On Click” Event under Bricksforge Panel.
I can not made it work for multi-time clicks.
So I reduced it down only to Action Open Popup (Make Confetti [for debug]) and Close Popup (Make Confetti [for debug])

:white_check_mark: The first time both Events, «open» (Popup Open by CLICK .popup-1-open) and «close» (Popup Close by CLICK on .close-button), work perfect.

:x: But after the first time, the SAME Action “Open Popup” does NOT work anymore.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Strangely enough the Event as it own fires any-time (Console Log).
Only the Actoin «Open Popup» seams to block.
The “debug-Action” «Make Confett» (for debug) does fire and work multi-times.
So the Event is firing multi-times as the consolde does log:


Maybe I missunderstood some basic principles about the Action «Open Popup» and «Close Popup».

  • Does anybody has exeprience with this and a working solution?

  • Do I have to change some other setting in Bricksforge or Bricks-setup or use an other approach for use «Open Popup» (and Close Popup) multi times?

Would be great to get help or an idea, why this is not working multi-times.

Sorry, Found the bug in my thinking about the Playground from BricksForge:

The Popup was in first time an exit intent popup (with Trigger: Mouse leave Window)

  • And there the Setting “Popup limit::Per Page load” was set to “1”.

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