SOLVED: Pro Forms displaying ACF Fields


Following this documenattion:

I desperately try to display an ACF field inside my form withut success, this is what I did:

So displaying the acf field {acf_prix} when on page with post ID 35 is working fine (outside and inside the form), but doesn’t work with {brf_acf_field:acf_prix:35}.

Anyone know what I did wrong ?

Thanks and Regards,


Try to remove the acf_ prefix. I guess the real ID is just “prix“ :blush:

Damn, you’re so right :slight_smile:

It’s working fine now when you force the post ID, but doesn’t work with {brf_acf_field:prix} or {brf_acf_field:prix:}, but anyway, I need it to work whith post ID specified so problem resolve.

Thanks a lot !

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