Submit button and Actions for step buttons

Hi @Daniele

At the moment i think you are working on nestable pro forms, I’d love to suggest some ideas maybe they would be helpful.

** having a separate submit button element

Sometimes we make multi step forms, and we need some actions to be happened after the user hit the next button.
This submit button can also be used in milt step forms by adding two new actions: “next step” and “previous step”.
So we can have more actions in each step: like sending email/sms notifications in the first step and etc.

Note: It can also be used with new server side actions of bricks forge panel, actually it brings infinite possibilities :sweat_smile:

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Could you describe a use case for that? And are you talking about something like a JavaScript event?

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Well assume that we want to have a multi step single form
In the first step we want user to insert personal data and while clicking on next step the user will be registered.
Or in some cases we want some email/sms notifications.

Then in second step we want some other extra information and appropriate actions

Another example
I have a customer that asked for verifying the email/phonenumber in the first step and in the second step let the user buy the favorite product

I think if we have one single button (new element) for Nestable pro form
And “next step” or “previous step” become the new actions

What do you think?

This is the exact feature I was really hoping for Pro Forms to have but it looks like ti doesn’t exist…yet.

I am using WP Full Pay to take payment through Stripe since WP Full Pay is the only method I have found that also imports existing products from Stripe. Gravity and Fluent both require new products to be made.

I have the customer fill out the Bricksforge pro form with the information we need to offer our service. Then they fill out the WP Full Pay form (embedded with shortcode to collect payment).

Right now:

  1. Customer fills out Pro Form
  2. Clicks the submit button
  3. Action 1: The Pro Form contents are added to the submission table
  4. Action 2: The customer is REDIRECTS to a different page
  5. Customer fills out WP Full Pay form to collect payment


  1. Customer fills out Pro Form
  2. Clicks the submit button
  3. Action 1: The Pro Form contents are added to the submission table
  4. Action 2: The customer is STEPS to the next form on the same page.
  5. Customer fills out WP Full Pay form to collect payment

I have 5 instances of different use cases for this on just one site, which means I have 10 pages instead of 5.