URL Not Accepted on Form despite URL input + Mobile Issues

Hi Daniele,

We’ve had a big decline in our conversions, so I decided to test out the form and I think I caught the problem.

The URL field is being rejected even when there’s a valid URL being put into the form:

Ignore the Korean input etc, that’s not it. I’ve tested with English, I’ve tested with multiple URLs, etc. I tried adding validation like so:

And I’ve tried going with no validation, which is where I left it now:

Please feel free to test on your own: https://intcultcom.kr/contact-icc/

In addition nothing is happening on mobile at all when I input. Cloudflare Turnstile doesn’t show either, which may be the issue?

Thanks in advance!

Okay, it’s not a bug. It’s the requirement of “https://” on URLs, I’ve now figured out.

Is there any way to set this so that that’s not required? Or is that the point of the verification? I thought it would be that there was a TLD. Can we make that the validation somehow?

Also, the mobile issue was that for the language I had put “kr” for the language but Korean is actually “ko”. Now that I’ve got the right language code in there, it appears to be working on mobile.


Hey :raising_hand_man:t2: In HTML, the “URL” type requires the “http” or “https” protocol to be valid. If you don’t want this, you could also simply use a normal text field :blush: Possibly with a regex validation if necessary.

Hi Daniele,

Thanks so much for answering a question I should have put to an AI agent first!

So now I have placeholder text showing that they need the “https://” and a warning in Korean there, but I’d love to also edit the warnings that pop up:

Is there some way to edit the “Please enter a URL.” notification?

Same goes for the default email notification:

I’ve searched the docs, but I can’t seem to find that.

Those are native browser input validations and cannot be changed easily. This would only be possible including a custom validity with javascript: javascript - How to set custom validation messages for HTML forms? - Stack Overflow

A much easier way for you is just to use the Pro Forms “Validation” group. You can find it on each input. There, you can define your custom validations and also enter a custom error message if not valid :slight_smile:

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