Validation Message Select Field Typ

Hello @Daniele and all others.

I have a nestable pro forms. From the base there comes no validation info, when i have for example a required field, also no red border. When i use the custom messages in the Validation function it works on name fields and e-mail but not on select field (there is no validation option).

Am i missing something?



I have 2 Pro Forms on this site. The small contact formular works without problems. (without select field)

The bigger one have this problem. Can you take a look?



Are you using “Modern Style” for your select field?

Yes it’s the mordern style. Should i disable it?

Greetings Andre

Please update to 2.0.10 and try again, using the Validation group :slight_smile:

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Hello Danielle,

i have a new pro forms on a website and there is a select element. Without modern style i can send the form without select any option. Required is not working. When i choose modern style then i can’t send the form and required works. But there is no validation message. I configured it but it did not show…


For the standard select field, you can use the method I showed in this video to make it required:

Hello Dave,

thank you very much. It works :slight_smile:

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