Version 0.9.2 (Hotfix)

Performance Hotfix! Version 0.9.2 has been released!

Hey everyone! :raising_hand_man:t2:

This version includes an important bugfix regarding a performance issue which was a part of the previous version. After updating, you should have your great Lighthouse / Page Insights results back! :ok_hand: Also we’ve fixed the problem with the panel when using OxyProps / BricksProps.

Check all details of this update in the changelog: Changelog – Bricksforge – The Bricks Tools that feel native

Next week we will release a bigger update with the version 0.9.3, including the GSAP animations for the panel and other cool stuff :slight_smile:

Wish you a great day!


After the update I am getting this notice…

Oh! Is your WP_DEBUG set to true? And which PHP version are you using? Thanks for reporting.

Is there anyone else where this notice shows up?

I am running a test site on InstaWP (no special settings):

These are the PHP settings:

Ahh…understood :slight_smile: I’ve updated the files. This notice should be gone now :slight_smile: