Version 0.9.4 has been released

Bricksforge 0.9.4 has been released :tada:

Since I’m currently suffering, I unfortunately didn’t manage to finish the introductory video for 0.9.4. :disappointed: I will finish it next week when I feel better. Until then, though, here’s a video of the page I built for the video with the new Bricksforge version to show you the new features!

The new version of Bricksforge brings a lot of things that are really fun! This time the focus was on GSAP animations: Staggers, SplitText, MatchMedia, Snap, ScrollSmoother. So many things you have to try out! :slight_smile: We also added over 20 new events and over 10 new event actions, including GSAP Flip, which lets you animate between element states.

What else? The usability for the Bricksforge Panel has been improved to make working with it feel even better. You can now arrange it the way you need it. Also included are a few useful things like automatically saving the builder when you save the panel and having it open automatically after reloading the page if it was already open before. Or - also new: if you have a large screen, you can now always leave the Bricks panels exposed and use the Bricksforge panel in between! (Thanks John Difool, great idea).

What else? Global Classes Sets no longer need a prefix! So you can now still easily include your favorite frameworks!

What else? A powerful Table Of Contents element is integrated in this version. Also you can use the Bulk Google Fonts Uploader for all fonts now! Check out the documentation for that.

What else? Much more! Check out the changelog! There you will find everything that is new, clearly listed:

Have a great day! :raising_hand_man:t2:


Thanks for update and cool new features!
Unfortunately after update I can’t see Bricksforge dashboard on Safari browser… on Firefox it works

Thanks for your hard work. Get well soon!

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Gute Besserung! Danke!


Great stuff! I hope you feel better soon, Daniele.


Hahaha. Whaaat?! Safari still does not support lookbehind? We use this for our regex rules in the backend. :see_no_evil: Ok, that’s the reason. I will push a hotfix for all Safari users soon :slight_smile: In the meantime, you can work with Firefox/Chrome :smiley:

get better first the update can wait

Yep, this is a problem for me as well. I only see a black screen in the settings area. I can’t stand Chrome and use Firefox for my work stuff (to keep logins separated), so I only use Safari for personal projects. I’m not actively using Bricks at the moment, but I still play around with it from time to time to see it’s progress, so it’s nice to be able to access everything in all browsers.

Based on some of the other comments, it sounds like you’re not feeling well, so I hope you feel better soon. I’m in no rush for a Safari fix, but look forward to it once it’s implemented. Thanks!

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Hi guys! :slight_smile:

For the Safari users: I’ll publish a hotfix today which will fix this behavior :slight_smile:

Confirmation: I’ve deployed a new version with the bug fix. This should solve the Safari problem :slight_smile:

I love the new update(s) and quick fixes.

However, I still feel that we would benefit greatly from:

  1. Ability to duplicate animations/events/timelines
  2. Moving the animations to the timelines instead of having someone hard code the values e.g. if I wanted to scale some text, I could use the animations tab in style settings to do it by selecting scale and dragging to the value I want. Within timeline, I have to add { scale: 1.3 } and any other property here which can be difficult for people who do not know these rules. A drop down here (or another implementation) would do well to ease the usage here.

I submitted the duplicate feature on the roadmap page. Go upvote it. Ctrl+f for duplicate.

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