ACF relationship fields saving with Pro Form

I’m using Pro Form to create post on frontend and I have relationship field with another post type - I’ve created function which returns post_id|post_title and user can choose from select field. Everything works as expected, I’ve just found a little problem.
ACF saves relational field as serialized array (example: * a:2:{i:0;s:2:”35″;}), in my function is just post_id, so frontend form saves post_id only (example: 35). When querying this relation field, serialized array needs this arg:

'meta_query' => array(
                                    'key' => 'contractor', // name of custom field
                                    'value' => '"' . $post_id . '"', // matches exactly "35", not just 35. This prevents a match for "356"
                                    'compare' => 'LIKE'

and post_id this arg:

'meta_query' => array(
                                    'key' => 'contractor', // name of custom field
                                    'value' =>  $post_id, // 35
                                    'compare' => '='

this is link to acf documentation

In my case, all posts are created with frontend form (and won’t be created in backend) and in query loops when using ‘compare’ => ‘=’, everything works as expected and I didn’t encounter any issues. But I really don’t know if this is right approach or if I’m creating problem for the future…
It’s just a small invoice creation project for my personal use - I wanted to learn more about wordpress - I’m self learner and not really experienced yet and I would like to ask your opinion Daniele (or anyone else). Thank you very much in advance.