Displaying dates using proform

I have a field in the database that stores dates in timestamp format, I am using the proform “date” element to display the date.

I am using the dynamic value to retrieve the date, but it is generating an anomaly, because even though I set the correct date format for Brazil, an alert is being generated at run time and the element loads the date of the day.

Can someone help me?

What are you storing these date fields in, i.e. ACF, MetaBox etc? I’ve had problems when my return format in ACF was set different than the Pro Forms Date field.


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Yes, as @londonpete mentioned, the return format for the date in ACF must match the Pro Forms date field return format; otherwise, it will return today’s date.

I wish we could have an option in Bricksforge similar to ACF, where we define the display format on the frontend as well as the return format.

Surely if ACF has a display format and a return format, BF should honour that. My clients don’t really understand anything other than dd/mm/yy which ACF allows even though it’s stored in the database as Y-mm-dd etc
